Online Banking
At UCB, we use the latest technology available to safeguard your information, including secure socket layer (SSL) encryption protocols with 128 bit encryption. This creates a specific set of "keys" that can only be used by you during the current session to decrypt the information exchanged between computers. Connections to our internet banking site are also verified with VeriSign, so you can be certain that you are not handing over your information to just anyone. Just click on the lock icon in the address bar to view our security information and give yourself piece of mind.
To ensure that you are taking advantage of these security technologies, we require that you use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Internet Explorer as your browser. Links to download the latest version of either of these can be found above and on our login page. Once you are using one of these you can check to be certain that your browser is secured by looking for the padlock icon in the status bar, this verifies that you are communicating over a secured connection.
Our online banking also monitors all failed login attempts to ensure that only authorized individuals are able to access information. This includes a system that blocks all attempts at access after a set number of failed attempts have been made. Once triggered the user must then call to have their account unlocked. Users should also take advantage of the ability to change their password periodically. See tips on choosing a good password.
It is always best to logoff and close your browser window when you are finished, just as a good security habit. However, once you are connected our server starts a timer for that session. After a certain amount of time has passed without activity, your session will automatically be closed. This ensures that if you get busy and forget to logoff, that no one can come behind you and view your session.
We are serious about protecting your personal information. That is why all of our servers have firewalls that protect them from unauthorized access and none are connected directly to the internet. This is done to ensure the best reliability and security possible.
All of these technologies work together to ensure that you know who you are dealing with over the internet and are just another reason why you can feel safe banking with us here at UCB from anywhere in the world.
If you are interested in learning how you can better protect you personal information overall, visit our Education Center for more information about how to avoid identity theft and "phishing" scams, or for tips on what to do if you think you may be a victim of one of these crimes.
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